Archive for the ‘entrepreneurial spirit’ Tag

Great Britain is Lagging America

Sunday, April 15th, 2012

Think about where the most popular websites on the Internet come from for a second.

Ebay. Yahoo. Amazon. Google. Facebook. Twitter. Linkedin. MLKSHK. Youtube. Wikipedia. WordPress. Blogspot. Bing (yuck). Tumblr. Craigslist. Flickr. 4chan. Stack Overflow.

Even Duckduckgo!

American, American , American , American , American!

Great Britain, my country of residence, has been left behind in the dust and we are not close to catching up. Perhaps we lack the entrepreneurial spirit fulled by a Randian, laissez-faire, pro-capitalist worldview, compared to our cousins from across the pond, but we have really dropped the ball this time.

Aside from the BBC (which is cheating really) and Wolfram Alpha, we haven’t really yet made our mark on the 21st century.

Somebody has got to do it. May as well be me. Only when PJs.Cat is a real success will I then rest.